Come viaggiare sicuri ai tempi del Coronavirus

Ultimo aggiornamento: 03.01.25

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To contain the spread of the pandemic, some extraordinary measures have been taken to allow a safe reopening of the borders. Let’s see what are the recommendations for traveling safely.


After the long period of lockdown, the desire to travel has returned to be felt stronger than before, albeit with some limitations and some legitimate concerns. Whatever the destination, to move safely, specific precautions must be taken in compliance with the hygiene and prevention rules prescribed by the Ministry of Health. Here are some tips to keep in mind before planning your departure.


The recommended destinations

With the reopening of the borders between the European states, 90% of the Italian population has decided to take a short but intense vacation to ease the tension accumulated during the forced quarantine and recharge their energy in view of the next winter period. However, since travel abroad – at least for now – has been subjected to numerous restrictions, it is reasonable to assume that 2025 will be the year of proximity tourism.

This summer, in fact, most people chose to stay in Italy, preferring places that can be easily reached by car or train in order to reduce the risk of contagion as much as possible. The only precaution to follow is to avoid places where dangerous gatherings could be created, adopting all the necessary safety measures to maintain social distancing.

Therefore, it is essential to choose a destination that is not too crowded and to respect the restrictions set by law to avoid the onset of new generalized outbreaks that could force travelers to stay away from home for several weeks, as has already happened in Carloforte and in some areas of the Sardinia.

However, not all evils come to harm, because thanks to local tourism it will be possible to combine the desire to travel with the discovery of fascinating places, rich in culture and totally immersed in unspoiled nature, while helping the Italian tourism sector – among the most affected by the economic crisis generated by the lockdown – to start again.

On the other hand, those who want to go abroad will have to evaluate the protection policies adopted by the country of destination, with the obligation to report the return to the competent ASL and observe fourteen days of isolation after having undergone border controls.

In any case, on the Viaggiare Sicuri website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs there is a section on the restrictions adopted for security in the various states, with all the health information on the containment measures prescribed by the countries affected by the virus.

Short trips to discover the wonders of Italy

According to a recent survey by Confturismo, three out of five Italians have chosen to take a short holiday, with a maximum of two or three nights, staying a few kilometers from home to spend an alternative but, at the same time, relaxing summer.

Most of the people interviewed expressed their intention of wanting to spend their holidays in direct contact with nature, preferring the mountains and open spaces where it would be easier to maintain social distancing and comply with the prescribed safety standards. Others, however, will choose the cities of art to visit museums, monuments and historic villages, albeit with some more restrictions for access to public places and areas dedicated to nightlife.

In short, this year will be a cultural tourism and rediscovery of one’s roots, based on respect for both nature and the traditions of the places visited, thus savoring the true value of the journey that does not derive from the distance traveled but from one’s spirit of adventure. .


What to pack

Although most tourists have chosen not to give up their summer holidays, the fact is that, in order to travel in the name of safety and mutual respect, it will be necessary to plan the movements in the smallest details and prepare the suitcase differently than the others. years.

In addition to the inevitable masks, which must be worn in closed spaces and on public transport, it is good practice to always have a bottle of sanitizing gel at hand, to be used if it is not possible to wash your hands with soap and water.

È buona norma, inoltre, portare con sé una cassetta del pronto soccorso ben fornita per far fronte a eventuali situazioni di emergenza. Oltre ai tradizionali farmaci generici e ai classici presidi di prima assistenza, è consigliabile munirsi anche di un termometro auricolare preciso per tenere sempre sotto controllo la temperatura corporea.

Ricordiamo, infatti, che in caso di febbre superiore ai 37,5°C è obbligatorio contattare le autorità competenti e il gestore della struttura di cui si è ospiti per prendere i dovuti provvedimenti e fare – se necessario – un tampone per verificare se si è contratto il Coronavirus. In caso di esito positivo, scatterà quindi l’obbligo di quarantena e il divieto di spostarsi fino a quando i successivi test non risulteranno negativi.

Come comportarsi durante il viaggio

Vista l’atipicità dell’attuale situazione e considerato che quasi tutti gli italiani hanno pianificato di viaggiare con la propria auto per evitare pericolosi assembramenti sui mezzi di trasporto, il Governo ha reso pubbliche alcune raccomandazioni per chi si sposta in macchina.

Innanzitutto, se le persone che viaggiano insieme appartengono allo stesso nucleo familiare non sarà necessario mantenere la distanza di sicurezza né utilizzare i dispositivi di protezione individuale, due regole che invece dovranno obbligatoriamente osservare i viaggiatori non conviventi.

In questi casi, oltre a indossare la mascherina per tutta la durata della trasferta, bisognerà rispettare il metro di distanza, quindi nessuno potrà sedersi accanto al guidatore e sui sedili posteriori occorrerà lasciare libero il posto centrale.

On the other hand, those who decide to travel by train or plane will be subjected to a temperature measurement with a thermoscanner before departure, and in the event that the fever is higher than 37.5 ° C it will not be possible to leave and will be subjected to a tampon.

Without prejudice to the obligation of the mask, on the vehicles you must maintain a distance of at least one meter and leave a free place next to those occupied, although this obligation lapses in some specific circumstances and in the presence of certain conditions.

Finally, as regards air travel, you will have to rely on the rules adopted by the airline you are traveling with, perhaps by contacting the airport security officers to get all the necessary information.




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